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Selected Perennials
Yarrow |
Achillea 'Moonshine' |
Height: 18-24" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: Yellow shades |
Foliage Color: Silver/grey shades |
Bloom time: Early-mid summer |
Critters: Deer-rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Low-average |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Zone: 3-8 |
Still one of the most popular garden plants today, A. 'Moonshine' is valuable in the landscape because it combines well with almost everything. It is a terrific foil for many other colors including purple, blue, and pink. Its flat-topped, canary yellow flower clusters and bright silver foliage light up the garden. This is a clump-forming selection that blooms over a long period beginning in early summer. Plants will rebloom if they are cut back after the first round of flowering. |
Astilbe-Chinese |
Astilbe chinensis 'Visions' |
Height: 14-26" |
Spread: 12-15" |
Flower Color: Pink shades |
Foliage Color: Green shades |
Bloom time: Mid summer |
Critters: Deer-rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Average/Consistent |
Exposure: Full Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 4-9 |
A member of Astilbe chinensis (Chinese Astilbe). A later blooming species useful for extending the bloom season into late summer. Foliage is deeply incised, coarsely textured, and often bronze-green in color. Flowers are borne on narrow, branched panicles. Though garden performance is far superior in moist soils, members of this species are moderately drought tolerant. Shorter varieties such as 'Pumila' make excellent groundcovers. |
Nelly Moser Clematis |
Clematis 'Nelly Moser' |
Height: 6-10' |
Spread: |
Flower Color: Pink shades |
Foliage Color: Green shades |
Bloom time: Late spring/Early summer/Early fall |
Critters: Deer-rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Average |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 4-8 |
These varieties begin to bloom in early summer, with the first flush of flowers appearing on the previous year's growth. This is followed by a second flush flowers appearing on the new growth. These flowers will likely be smaller than the first ones and flowers that were double the first time may be single the second time. The time to prune this group is in late winter or early spring. Dead and weak shoots should be removed and the remaining shoots cut back to 6-9 inches above a couple of well-developed buds. |
Sundown Coneflower |
Echinacea Big Sky™ 'Sundown' |
Height: 2-2.5' |
Spread: 1.5-2' |
Flower Color: Orange/reddish-brown center |
Foliage Color: Dark green |
Bloom time: June to August |
Critters: Tolerates deer |
Water needs: Average |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 3-8 |
'Sunset' is an upright, free-branching plant that grows in a clump to 24-30" tall, and features sweetly fragrant, orange cone flowers on sturdy stems that do not need staking. Each flower (to 2 1/2" diameter) features slightly downward-arching orange rays which encircle a domed, reddish-brown center cone. Flowers bloom from late spring to late summer, sometimes with additional sporadic bloom until frost. Irregular-serrate, dark green leaves (to 5" long) are lanceolate. Good fresh cut or dried flower. The dead flower stems will remain erect well into the winter, and if flower heads are not removed, the blackened cones may be visited by goldfinches or other birds that feed on the seeds. |
Sunrise Coneflower |
Echinacea Big Sky™ 'Sunrise' |
Height: 2-3' |
Spread: 1-2' |
Flower Color: Yellow/orange center |
Foliage Color: Dark green |
Bloom time: June to August |
Critters: Tolerates deer |
Water needs: Dry-Average |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
This is an upright and columnar plant with free branching that typically grows in a clump to 30-36” tall on sturdy stems that do not need staking. It is noted for its large, sweetly-fragrant coneflowers (to 5” diameter) featuring citron yellow rays and green-maturing-to-orange center cones. Ray flowers extend horizontally rather than droop. Flowers bloom from late spring to later summer. Coarsely-toothed, dark green leaves (to 6” long) are lanceolate. Good fresh cut or dried flower. The dead flower stems will remain erect well into the winter, and if flower heads are not removed, the blackened cones are often visited by goldfinches that feed on the seeds. |
Chicago Apache Daylily |
Hemerocallis 'Chicago Apache' |
Height: 30" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: Red |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Mid-summer |
Critters: Rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Dry-Average |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
5", intense scarlet red, recurved tepals with a small sulphur yellow watermark and green throat. Petals have loosely ruffled edges; sepal edges are slightly crimped. Extremely sunfast and more resistant to thrips than most reds. A very vigorous grower with healthy foliage and sturdy scapes. Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone). |
Hyperion Daylily |
Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' |
Height: 40" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: Yellow |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Mid-summer/Rebloomer |
Critters: Rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Dry-Average |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
5", canary yellow self with a tiny, green throat. Trumpet flower form; when viewed from the side it has the shape of a lily. Treasured for its sweet fragrance and very tall flower scapes. Extended bloom--flowers last at least 16 hours each. Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone). |
South Seas Daylily |
Hemerocallis 'South Seas' |
Height: 30" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: Gold/Orange/Peach |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Mid-summer/Rebloomer |
Critters: Rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Dry-Average |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
5", coral-tangerine tepals with a reddish-coral band and yellow throat; very distinctive coloring. Smooth, rounded petals with beautifully ruffled edges. Fragrant. Multiple branching with 30-35 buds. Vigorous grower with healthy foliage. This is considered a premium daylily, which means that it has been selected as highly performing plant with exceptional bloom performance, substantive, vibrantly colored flowers, complete winter hardiness in northern zones, and a vigorous habit. Daylilies can survive many harsh conditions that other plants cannot including: polluted city environments, slopes, poor and dry soils, near pavement that is salted in winter, and under Black Walnut trees (not affected by juglone). |
Patriot Hosta |
Hosta 'Patriot' |
Height: 22" |
Spread: 30" |
Flower Color: Purple |
Foliage Color: Variegated |
Bloom time: Mid-summer |
Critters: |
Water needs: Average/Consistent |
Exposure: Full Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
Ovate leaves have dark green centers and outstanding, crisp white, streaked margins (margins are creamy-yellow in spring). Leaves are of better than average substance, are slightly wavy, and display good sun tolerance. Lavender flowers appear on 30" scapes. Attracts both hummingbirds and songbirds. Hostas are exceedingly popular perennials in today's gardens due to their versatility in the landscape. Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. Hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc. |
Minuteman Hosta |
Hosta 'Minuteman' |
Height: 18" |
Spread: 30" |
Flower Color: Purple |
Foliage Color: Variegated |
Bloom time: Early/Mid-summer |
Critters: |
Water needs: Average/Consistent |
Exposure: Full Shade to Part Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
Stunning, very dark green leaves are surrounded by a wide, pure white margin. Leaves have good substance, and are sometimes cupped and slightly wavy. Pale lavender striped flowers appear on 24" scapes in early to midsummer. One of the most popular white-margined hostas. Hostas are exceedingly popular perennials in today's gardens due to their versatility in the landscape. Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. Hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc. |
Frances Williams Hosta |
Hosta 'Minuteman' |
Height: 22" |
Spread: 48" |
Flower Color: White |
Foliage Color: Variegated |
Bloom time: Mid-summer |
Critters: |
Water needs: Average/Consistent |
Exposure: Full Shade to Part Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
Giant, blue-green leaves have very wide, chartreuse to yellow margins which become wider as the plant matures. Leaves are corrugated and slug resistant. Bold, rugged foliage seems nearly indestructable. Flowers are displayed just above magnificent foliage. Hostas are exceedingly popular perennials in today's gardens due to their versatility in the landscape. Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. Hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc. |
Japanese Iris |
Iris japonica |
Height: 18-24" |
Spread: 12-18" |
Flower Color: (various) |
Foliage Color: Variegated |
Bloom time: Early/mid-summer |
Critters: Deer-rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Consistent |
Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun |
Zone: 4-9 |
Unlike the Tall Bearded Iris, the beardless Japanese Iris has a flat bloom, narrower leaves, and smaller, more compact rhizomes. They have the largest flowers of all irises, and make wonderful spring accents for the edge of water gardens. Japanese irises are the latest to bloom, about a month after the Siberian irises. |
Shasta Daisy |
Leucanthemum superbum 'Becky' |
Height: 36-42" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: White |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Early/mid/late-summer |
Critters: |
Water needs: Low/Average |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Zone: 4-9 |
Prized for its durability in the hot, humid summers of the south and its cold tolerance in the north. Copious amounts of very large, 3in single, white blooms are produced atop strong stems which are ideal for cutting. Despite its height, this variety does not usually require staking. Shasta Daisies are all-time favorites for the perennial border. The cheery flowers begin to appear in early summer and continue on for several months if faithfully deadheaded. Shastas mix so effortlessly with other perennials that no garden should be without them! |
Jacob Cline Monarda |
Monarda 'Jacob Cline' |
Height: 24-36" |
Spread: 30" |
Flower Color: Red |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: June-August |
Critters: |
Water needs: Consistent |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Zone: 4-9 |
Considered to be the very best red variety on the market. The plants explode with very large bright red flowers just as summer begins. If you are looking for a plant that guarantees hummingbirds - this is it. The little birds can not resist the huge, nectar rich flowers, and will dart in and out of the garden all day feeding on them. The foliage is very nice shade of green and is the most powdery mildew resistant variety of all the Monardas. The leaves smell like mint when rubbed and can be used to flavor teas. Plant in full sun and provide a rich well drained soil. Plants can be grown in partial shade but will cause flowering to decline. Fertilize in early spring with a top dressing of composted manure and bone meal. Liquid feed once in the summer with fish emulsion or a compost tea. Provide plants with extra water during prolonged dry spells, dry soils promotes powdery mildew, a fungal problem common in Monarda plants. Deadheading will promote longer flowering. Plants spread rapidly by underground stems and need to be divided every three years to keep them looking their best. |
Raspberry Sundae Peony |
Paeonia 'Raspberry Sundae' |
Height: 30" |
Spread: 24" |
Flower Color: Pink |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Early summer |
Critters: Deer-rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Low/average |
Exposure: Part Shade - Full Sun |
Zone: 3-8 |
This bomb type peony has a sweet fragrance as delicious as it looks. Huge, full blossoms up to 6 inches across are pale pink with a fluffy vanilla to blush pink center flushed with deeper pink on top. Peonies are classic garden plants that add a bit of nostalgia and charm to the garden. Their fragrant blooms and lush foliage have made them popular for years, and with the recent resurgence in breeding, they will continue to improve. Peonies are simple to grow and can be utilized in many ways, including mass plantings, specimens, or hedges. By choosing a mixture of early, midseason, and late blooming varieties, you can have blooms for up to 6 weeks. |
Tall Garden Phlox |
Phlox paniculata |
Height: 36" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: (various) |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Mid-late summer |
Critters: |
Water needs: Average |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Zone: 4-8 |
Flowers are produced reliably from mid thru late summer. These aromatic flowers attract both butterflies and hummingbirds. Many new varieties have demonstrated a high degree of mildew resistance. |
Perennial Salvia or Garden Sage |
Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' ('Mainacht') |
Height: 18" |
Spread: 15-18" |
Flower Color: Deep violet-purple |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Early-mid summer |
Critters: Deer-rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Low/average |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Zone: 3-8 |
Salvia is a top performer in the landscape. Dense spikes of deep violet-purple flowers are produced in early summer and will continue longer if deadheaded. This is a clump forming plant with oblong leaves which are aromatic when crushed. Use it in containers, beds, and borders. |
Autumn Joy Sedum or Autumn Stonecrop |
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' ('Herbstfreude') |
Height: 24" |
Spread: 18-24" |
Flower Color: Pink/red |
Foliage Color: Green |
Bloom time: Late summer, early-mid fall |
Critters: Rabbit resistant |
Water needs: Low/average |
Exposure: Full Sun |
Zone: 3-9 |
One of the most popular perennials on the market today. This hardy, upright selection sports light green leaves and deep rose flowers which age to a beautiful bronze. Tall, upright sedums form substantial clumps of foliage which can be substituted for shrubs in the landscape. Their stout, sturdy stems support the massive flower heads which develop in summer and burst into bloom in fall. If left standing, they provide winter interest and food for birds. |
JM Landscaping Nursery & Garden Center:

JM Landscaping in Bradford, Vermont
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